Bowburn Consultancy offers training suitable for different levels of expertise, from beginner through to experienced professionals
Introduction to geology and ecology fieldwork techniques
A two-day field-based course designed to give hands-on experience of practical techniques. It is particularly aimed at students of the Open University’s S104 course, but is also suitable for others interested in learning about the natural environment.
More information available here.
Introduction to freshwater diatoms
A complete interactive course on how to identify diatoms along with all the other techniques you need to know if you want to use diatoms for assessing freshwater quality. The course is aimed at biologists in the Environment Agency, SEPA, Natural Resources Wales and Northern Ireland Environment Agency but others in universities and consultancies have also used the course as an introduction to the subject.
More information available here.
Introducing macroalgae
A two-day course run by the Freshwater Biological Association in the Lake District which introduces students to the larger algae found in lakes and rivers.

Freshwater algae training course
Martyn Kelly also contributes to an annual week-long course on algal identification based at Durham University. More details can be found by clicking here
Other courses
Bowburn Consultancy has also put together several bespoke courses designed to develop identification skills for biologists who are already involved in diatom analysis, as well as in other aspects of freshwater biology.
Contact / +44 (0) 191 377 2077 for more information.